Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Texas History Web Quest: Early Texans



Kincaid Shelter: 13,000 Years in the Sabinal River Valley


What does the improvements tot he Kincaid shelter tell historians and archeologist?

Where is the Kinkaid shelter located?

Clovis Reconsidered


What was the Clovis-first hypothesis?

What new site is forcing scientist to reconsider the Clovis-first hypothesis?

Where is the Gault site located?

Life at Hinds


How large would a family band be?

Why couldn't hunter-gatherers live in one spot for very long?

What type of dwelling were most often used?

What was the Hinds caves used for?

What were the beds like in the Hinds cave?

Describe the clothing of the people visiting the Hinds caves.

Describe the diet of the people visiting the Hinds caves.