Tuesday, April 7, 2015

US History: War of 1812 Web Quest

Taken from: "Mrs. Morrin's Website": http://www.sfcs.k12.ny.us/webpages/mmorrin/webquest.cfm?subpage=692401

Title:  War of 1812 Webquest

Historical Background:  Conditions prior to the War of 1812 once again drew Great Britain and America into conflict.  British impressment of Americans and the seizing of cargo caused America to exert her new found independence and flex her muscle against her former mother country. By the end of the war in 1815, little had been gained. Yet this conflict became known as the Second American Revolution as America further solidified and defended her boundaries as an independent nation, growing in power and confidence.

War of 1812 WEBQUEST
Read the question. “Right click” on the link and “Open in New Window.”  You can then line the website alongside the question.  On your paper, hard copy, write the correct answer in the blank provided.

1.   Look at the picture at the following website. This is an example of British impressment of American soldiers, which was a cause of the War of 1812.

Write a definition of impressment, based on what you see in the picture.

2.  What President asked Congress to declare war on Great Britain?

3. This President is pictured in an editorial cartoon at the following link. (NOTE: “Brother Jonathan” is an early reference to the United States and “John Bull” is a reference to a British cartoon figure similar to our “Uncle Sam.”)

Describe what you think is happening in this cartoon.

Do you think the cartoonist is American or British? Why?

4. With the exception of the Battle of New Orleans, in what area of the United States did most of the battles during the War of 1812 take place?

5. A famous quote from the War of 1812 was
“We have met the enemy and they are ours.”

Click on the following link and write who said this quote and why he said it.

6. What major US city was attacked and burned during the War of 1812?

7. Native American Indians were affected by the War of 1812. Use the link below to find out how Native Americans were truly affected.

1. Who wins at the Battle of Thames?

2. What happens to Indian Chief Tecumseh? 

8. During the War of 1812, an important and well-known American song was written during the Battle of Fort McHenry. Listen to it!

Here are three questions about this significant song. 

1. What song was written during the War of 1812?

2. Who was the composer of this song?

3. How many states were part of the United States at the time of the War of 1812?

9. An American ship that was important during the War of 1812 was the USS Constitution. Its nickname was “Old Ironsides.” Go to the following website and answer these two questions.

1. How did this ship get the nickname, “Old Ironsides?”

2. What building materials were used to construct “Old Ironsides?”

10. The War of 1812 ends with the Treaty of Ghent. Click on the link below and analysis this primary document.

1. According to this treaty what 2 countries will have Peace, Friendship, and Good Understanding?

2. How many articles are in this treaty?

3. What does the 10th article state?

Monday, April 6, 2015

Persuasive/Argumentative Writing Prompts

Persuasive/Argumentative Writing Prompts

First: Watch the Video

Second: Click on Prompt 1- Read the summary, click the link for the article and read it! 


Three: Use the brainstorming graphic organizer to start your paper!